



倫敦附近約有七個機場,常用的機場有五個.heathrow airport . luton airport . gatwick airport .stansted airport and city airport

還有st pancras internation station/king cross sation/euston station   ,victoria station 以及marylebone station


Heathrow airport

1.坐heathrow express (約16英磅,15分)heathrow connect ( 約6.95英磅,30分)到paddington station ..

之後可坐bakerloo line 到queens park station 4-1.6英磅(差別在時段及儲值卡)

或可坐公車36.總站queens park station下車 2-1英磅


或坐cab從paddington station 直達家門.車資約8-10英磅

2.直接坐undergroud ,piccadilly line 到 piccadilly circle 轉bakerloo line 到queens park station 約一小時又十分.費用  4-2.2英磅


3 shuttle bus 從航站1-3的 coach總站坐到baker st ( Glu palace)

再轉bakerloo 到 queens park 約12分鐘.費用  4-1.6英磅

或坐公車 18 到 /second Auenue /half penny step  約十五分鐘可到車站

再沿著third avenue 走約三-五分鐘見底左轉就到家


Gatwick airport

1最便宜莫屬easybus(19人座) .gatwick airport to fulham broadway one way 2 pounds

再坐district line 到paddington station再轉到queens park station  大約30分鐘.費用  4-1.6 英磅

 stansted airport

最便宜還是easybus 停 baker st UG 及victoria coach staton ..事先訂只有一趟二磅

記得停baker st UG


再轉bakerloo 到 queens park 約12分鐘.費用  4-1.6英磅

或坐公車 18 到 second avenue/halfpenny step  stop 約十五分鐘可到車牌

Luton airport

easybus 最便宜事先訂一趟二磅 停 Finchley road near O2 center

再坐公車 187 到 fifth avenue /allington road 約15-20分鐘

 走進fifth avenue 第一個路口( 即是third avenue ) 直走約二,三分鐘就可以到家囉

如果要接地鐵則請在 baker street UG下車

接 bakerloo line 到 queens park station

從queens park station出來背對車站向右走..沿著橋往下走到kilbum lane右轉直走即可到fifth avenue

 走進fifth avenue 第一個路口( 即是third avenue ) 直走約二,三分鐘就可以到家囉

london city airport

輕軌接jubilee line 轉 bakerloo line 到  queens park station 約1小時15分鐘 費用 single 4英磅-2.2英磅

st pancras internation station /king cross station /euston station

st pancras internation station 跟king cross station是鄰居,而euston station 從king cross 走路慢慢走約9分鐘,所以一起介紹

最省錢是走到euston station (公車站二站8分鐘) 坐公車18 至/second avenue/halfpenny step下車.約20分鐘費用 2-1英磅

或在esuton station 搭火車至queens park station 約12分鐘 走路在家裡

或直接從UG 坐到baker st 轉  bakerloo line to queens park station

Victoria rail station

victoria coach station , victoria rail station 以及victoria UG 均離很近

走到victoria rail station 門口搭上Bus 36 往Queens park station終站下.再走一段路即可抵達

或到victoria UG搭victoria line 到oxford circus 轉bakerloo line 到queens park station 下車 

marylebone station

可以直接坐bakerloo line到 queens park station 約24分鐘

或坐Bus 18可到second avenue /half penny step 下車

提醒:如坐機場shuttle bus,確定行李要放在baker st or finchley road station那一站的行李格.


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